2024/06/04 – training #2 (2/6 weekly)

Woke up still pretty sore and fatigued. Felt better after the first couple of minutes of running, ran around 2.9 km in total. Then decided to make my training routine simple—just do pull-ups for around 15 minutes. Usually, I start with my max, so this time I did 23. It has been my upper limit for the last few months, so I guess I need to work on that. Then it went: x10, x8, x7, x7, x8, x7, for a total of 70 pull-ups.

So, a simple cardio and upper body workout took me around 35 minutes in total. I am waiting for my supplements and probably have higher expectations than I should for an improvement in my energy level. I am not saying that I feel tired during the day, but it would be nice if I can improve my overall state by swallowing a couple of pills. Let’s see.


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