2024/08/21 – training #62 (3/6 weekly)

Well, the problematic streak continues. My throat is sore, and there are moments during the day when I feel sick. Then, there are moments when I feel almost completely healthy. I don’t know what it is—maybe another variant of Covid, some kind of summer edition. It doesn’t ruin your day but makes you wonder.

So, I woke up as usual and went outside. Keeping in mind my condition, I didn’t put my vest on, even though I had planned to do so the evening before. I did a couple of core exercises:

  • 1 km run
  • 3×10 hanging leg raises
  • 3×12 regular leg raises
  • 3×40 sec flutter kicks

That was pretty good for my core, and it took almost 30 minutes. I also did some stretching at the beginning.

In the evening, as I was walking back home through the parking lot, I caught myself thinking about how wonderful it would be not to train tomorrow morning. And that is strange. I’m usually the most motivated in the evening, making big plans for the workout the next day/morning. But when the morning comes, there’s no motivation—just discipline. In the evening, I feel great, but right now something is wrong. Maybe it’s this unclear illness or one of my painful injuries. I can’t do pull-ups, and I can barely manage the horse stance at the moment. I’m confused about whether I should stop whining and just push through or if it makes sense to take it easy for a while. There are good arguments for both sides.

This time, I decided to listen to my body and take it a bit easier until I feel better.


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